Welcome to Toys You Had, a collectible toy web site dedicated to the wonderful and amazing toys we grew up with from the 1950s to 1980s. Here you can find information on some of the more popular toy lines from these decades. Be sure to check out the "Did you Know?" portion of each page to find some little-known information about a particular line.
Be sure to check out the
latest edition to the web site - Star Wars!
Clearing out the attic or have an old toy or collection to sell? I pay top dollar for toys from the 60s to 80s in any condition (boxed or loose)! Unlike most toy buyers, I collect what I buy and take good care of it which means I will pay current market value.
I buy single figures, broken toys and entire toy collections! No toy is too small or large - action figures, games, electronic toys....you name it! And if it is something I already have or do not collect, I can give you some tips on where to sell it and how much it is worth.
Please click the button below to send your information. Please describe what you have as best as possible. If you do not know what it is, I can help you identify it - that is part of the fun!
Have a question about a toy you have or one you are looking for? Send me an e-mail!
- Copyright 2012 ToysYouHad.com -
All images and text on this web domain connected with the ToysYouHad.com name are copyrighted. However, images of toys themselves are free to be used as needed. Most of them were taken of my toy collection but some were extracted from other sites that did not prohibit their use or from toy fanatics directly for use on this site. As this is a web site designed to benefit toy collectors (or those just reminiscing) feel free to use toy images on here as you see fit - as long as it is for the good of the toy cccollector! All rights reserved. Any duplication or unauthorized reproduction of the ToysYouHad logo or name is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted. All trademarks contained within this web site are the property of their respective licensee and should not be modified in any way. If you have read this far, get a life! If you are still reading...I cant make the text any smaller, drat, but if you can actually read this without zooming I am impressed! Still here? Oh come on! Are you a lawyer?